Poster Specifications
Poster Specifications
The Congress will not provide a poster template.
The layout of the content is of the author’s choice. We suggest the use of illustrative elements such as figures, graphs, and tables to make your poster interesting and attractive.
Upon arrival at the poster session, identify the plate corresponding to the code of your poster (the code was sent by e-mail) and fix it using adhesive tape. If you decide to hang it, your poster should have a string as drawn below:

The usable area of the panel where the poster should be hung is 90 cm wide x 120 cm high (vertical orientation). Do not exceed the measurements informed.
At the end of the daily session, your poster should be removed. Posters not removed from the plate will be discarded at the end of the event. We count on your collaboration.
The official language of the event is English and the posters must be prepared in English. However, they can be presented in English or in Portuguese.
In case of doubts or for more information, please contact us through the e-mail